Our Mission
We intelligently match angel investors to ambitious high growth SMEs, across all sectors
“For entrepreneurs there isn’t a better place to turn to than angelgroups, I can’t recommend it enough.”

Connecting SMEs with investors across the UK
We run several pitching sessions a month, where businesses in all sectors, and at various stages along their growth journey pitch for funding and support. Not only do these events showcase some of the best SME talent from across the country, but they also allow our members to build a superb, like-minded peer network.
In addition, we also provide an exclusive online member hub where angels can browse all of our investment opportunities, tailor their preferences to view businesses within their criteria and connect to other investors.

“what angelgroups offers is the opportunity to look at, both in terms of size and sector, a huge variety”
Why become an angel?
We offer our members exclusive deal opportunities where they can invest on their own, or as part of a syndicate with other members. Syndicates work extremely well when investors are looking to pool their money and experience, providing support through the investment process.
Angel investment isn’t just about the money, it is your individual and collective experience that makes all the difference.

“Working with angelgroups was a phenomenal experience. The whole process has been invaluable.”
Raising investment?
We work with businesses across all sectors to help them achieve their growth ambitions, through access to our significant national pool of active angel investors (we only allow investors in the room). We typically raise between £100k (our minimum amount) and £500k and work with co-investment partners for larger amounts.
At angelgroups, we spend a lot of time with businesses to make them investor ready prior to them pitching at our events.
Our angels are active investors, which means that they look to invest their time in addition to the investment. Businesses significantly benefit from the array of skills, contacts and knowledge that an investor provides; something we refer to as ‘smart money’.

Connecting SME’s with investors
Our pitching sessions and online platform allow SME’s to showcase their business to leading sector experts, who are looking to invest in, and support companies with high growth potential.
Still not sure?
Our network of angel members can discuss and share opportunities via the monthly pitching sessions, the online platform and/or attend our regular angel educational sessions.
Raise Investment Become an Angel