Our next Angel educational event – The Good, the Bad and the Exit is happening next week.

At this event, we will have several of our Angel members discussing their experiences of investing into high growth companies.

We will have investors who will be sharing their positive experiences where investments have gone (and continue to go) really well. Then we will hear from investors who have encountered some less than ideal investment scenarios (with learning points!). Finally we will hear from a recently exited investor who will share their success story.

You still have time to register. If you are not yet registered as an investor with angelgroups, you can register here to receive our event invitations: https://lnkd.in/e2SyeiAC

We can’t wait to see you all next week!

Anyone who has worked with angelgroups will have spoken to Amber at some point! Amber has worked in the business for over 7 years and after initially joining in a marketing and events capacity, she was promoted into a managerial role covering operations and marketing. Amber is the glue that binds everything together and has now taken on the responsibility of our own SaaS solution – more news on that to follow.

Amber is from a military background and this experience has served her and angelgroups well, as Amber continues to develop new systems and processes for the business; which will include managing the companies transition into being Appointed Representatives – busy times.

The company has great plans for Amber and high expectations, after all, she is a shareholder.

Today we are in Leeds for our November in-person pitching event.

We have four great businesses pitching with us and we wish them all good luck. As the pitches are well underway, we want to thank our SME’s for pitching with us and our partners over at Brewin Dolphin for hosting us.

We hope for a very successful day!

Meet the team!

As angelgroups continues to grow we thought it would be great to re-introduce the team. Starting with a spotlight on the founder, Martin Avison.

Many of you will have met Martin before either at one of the pitching sessions or through many different investment or funding events. Martin started angelgroups in the summer of 2015. He started out as a design illustrator but moved on to sales and marketing, before finding a gap in the market to help fund SME businesses and that is where angelgroups began.

Martin has a wealth of experience and is an expert in the field of all things investment, investor readiness, SME’s, pitching, and so much more!

AI event alert!

In our November online pitch event we have a guest speaker bringing us a session on Artificial Intelligence. ‘Understanding AI’ will bring an insight into the world of AI as an ever-growing sector, helping to understand SME businesses looking for funding in this area.

You still have time to register. If you are not yet registered as an investor with angelgroups, you can register HERE to receive our event invitations.

We can’t wait to see you all next week!

We have some exciting events coming up before the end of the year that we can’t wait to share with you all.

After receiving feedback from our angels, we have decided to put on some events that we know they will be interested in.

Investors – keep your eyes peeled for more details heading in to your inbox in the next few days and if you aren’t already part of angelgroups, register HERE to attend our events.

Earlier this month we headed into Leeds for one of our in person pitching sessions.

We got the chance to speak to some of the founders prior to their pitch. We loved speaking with the founders to see what they had learnt from the process, how they were feeling, their hopes from the pitch and any tips they had for future founders.

Here is one of the interviews with Jake Barlow, CEO from Property Store talking about his experience.

If you are considering investment for your business contact us today.

Earlier this week, Beauhurst released their latest report on Diverse Founders in Advanced Digital Technology, where they looked into founder diversity in the UK tech ecosystem.

Beauhurst highlights many areas of differences with regards to gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, and educational background. There are some eye-opening statistics.

The research they conducted in 2022 revealed that over 70% of total equity investment across all five digital tech areas was secured by all-male founder companies. In addition, they found that the median age of founders didn’t affect the equity investment. There was also an increase in investment into mixed nationality founding teams.

Beauhurst goes into detail within each diversity section, giving a larger insight of what is happening in the sector.

You can read the full report HERE.

Wow, what a great day we had in Leeds yesterday for our first in-person pitching session of the month! A huge thank you to the 4 businesses that pitched with us and our Angels that attended. We were delighted to see such a wide range of SME businesses, including CROSSIP who bought along some tasters of their award winning non-alcoholic spirits.

With great feedback from the Angels, its now on to the due diligence sessions where the investors will dive deeper into the business opportunities. If you are looking to join an angel group as an investor or a business looking for investment, take a look at here for more information.

Our next pitching session in Leeds is early November, where we will see more businesses pitching for funding.

A special thank you to BDO for hosting us.

A great day had by all.

We are delighted to be ending the week on a high with all 8 of the businesses who are pitching with us next week ready and raring to go!

We’ve had a busy week with pitch preparations and now we’re really excited to see the Founders deliver their fantastic pitches at next week’s pitch events.

In the meantime, we wish everyone a wonderful weekend and we look forward to updating you on next week’s events in due course!

If you are looking for funding before the end of the year, now is the perfect time to start the ball rolling.

In our experience, it typically takes 8 weeks from pitching to receiving the funds (if you have received enough interest from the event). This being the case, our next events are perfect for securing the funding before the end of the year and hitting the ground running in 2024!

If you would like to know more about our events just get in touch.

Yesterday’s ‘Ask the Investor’ event was fantastic!

A big thank you to our panel of investors who gave up their time to answer some of the great questions that were asked by the Founders in the audience. Some of these questions included:

– What is your motivation behind investing?
– Are you only looking to invest in the next big Unicorn, or do you also invest in businesses who don’t claim to achieve this growth trajectory?
– What do you look for in an investable proposition?
– Does a business need to have SEIS/EIS for you to consider them?
– What are your thoughts on AI?
– What are your views on valuing a business?
– Are you happy to see VC involvement?
– What involvement do you like to have in the business?
– What stage of the business’s development do you prefer to invest at i.e. pre-revenue etc?

The Investors delivered some really insightful answers that gave the Founders a better understanding of their investment do’s and don’ts! We’re looking forward to running more events like this in the future.